The JoyKey – The Automatic Water Drainage Solution
– How does the JoyKey work?
– Is it airtight?
– Does it change the sound?
– Does it change the response?
– Will it work on my instrument?
– Can it be installed on instruments already in use?
– How big is the JoyKey?
– What is the main advantage of automatic water drainage?
– How long does the WaterWick last?
– How is the JoyKey system different to all other water keys?
– How do you install the JoyKey?
– How can I best clean the WaterWick?
– What do instrument makers need to know?
– How can I prevent the drops from landing on my clothes?
Focus on the music –
let the JoyKey drain the water automatically
If you are looking for a proven, intelligent and highly beneficial solution for eliminating water build up from your brass/wind Instrument …
… then imagine how being able to PREVENT water building up in your brass/wind instrument will benefit YOUR playing experience … and …
… imagine being able to literally drop the centuries old problems and the associated stress caused by water build up out of your playing experience … automatically.
The JoyKey automatic water drainage system is now the PROVEN, intelligent and ideal solution for effortlessly and effectively removing water automatically from brass instruments.
Using the JoyKey system enhances your accuracy and productivity. Practicing and performing are far more rewarding, fun and enjoyable.

About the JoyKey
The JoyKey automatic water drainage system was invented and developed by a professional brass player.
It has no moving parts.
The JoyKey is the only water removal system for brass instruments that PREVENTS water from building up inside instruments.
It is also the only water key that works automatically.

Where can I buy JoyKeys?
From one of our dealers from around the world
or from our shop: www.thejoykey.de

How to contact us
If you have any questions please contact us.
Visit our Shop
All our products are available in our online shop.

If anyone asks if they’re worth fitting, I say definitely.

only playing the trumpet and no more having to organize “water distractions.”

of the instrument gurgling, especially outdoors in the cold.

Playing a whole movement of a symphony without worrying about water buildup is amazing.
All brass players should fit one!!!

I was able to relax during the performance and focus fully on the music.

no water in the horn during a solo.
The JoyKey eliminates water worry.

A water key already installed but in a different position to that needed for your JoyKey ?
… leave it on.

And on many of them.